What do we "throw up"? We throw up our hands. We throw up the white flag. It's a statement of failure. The term "throw up" seems to say that digestion has failed, and usually because of doing something that should be regretted. But in these moments we can choose to learn, to grow, and to focus on the ways in which we can make ourselves well. To "throw up" is to surrender, as the worst version of yourself. To "make well" is to surrender into the emergence of the next version of yourself. To "make well" is to see the beauty of release, and to embrace the lessons of your pain and discomfort. When something inside you does not serve you, release it, and make well. You will immediately feel yourself blossom.
Thank you for the original photography on Unsplash: Sergio Briones, KAL VISUALS, Bekky Bekks, Derek Thomson, Joel Filipe, & James Wainscoat.