instead of "miraculously, the oil lasted for 8 days" we could say "miraculously, in only 8 days we were sustainably powered by fossil-free biofuels"

Brent Schulkin
Writer Statement:
Did you know they burned olive oil? The world could really use a holiday where we celebrate our ability to transition to sustainable energy sources in a miraculously short period of time. Turns out that's kind of what Hanukkah already is, so let's spread that message! Welcome to the climate movement, Maccabees. 💪
Inspiration Credit:
Brent Schulkin
Artist Statement:
Artist Credits:
Thanks for the original artwork by Ori Sherman, from "The Story of Hanukkah" with Amy Ehrlich, found via the Magnes Collection of Jewish Art, University of California, Berkeley. Thank you also to H.M. Herget for your 1944 painting of ancient Greeks harvesting olives for oil. And thank you Francesco Ungaro.